My Personal Story & Professional Experience:

My Personal Story & Professional Experience:

I was born into a fundamentalist Christian group which most of you have probably never heard of, called "the Lord's Recovery." I spent over 30 years living under high-demand, high control religion, & I am now FREE. I have reclaimed my life and my self, and it feels so damn good.

I ultimately left my marriage and my religion & have been creating a life that is fully my own ever since. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, & also the best gift I've ever given myself. I had to claw my way out of the toxic theology, purity culture, fear and shame indoctrination, and now it is my life's work to help others do the same.

I feel so free to create a quality existence for myself, so in alignment with myself, and so connected to others who are on a path of reclamation themselves.

I have over 10 years of clinical experience working with clients in a private practice setting, most of that time working with folks as a religious trauma and sex therapist.

I started transitioning to the coaching world in 2022, and have loved it so much that I've decided to make it my full-time gig! I've never felt more alive and invigorated, working with people in this kind of space, where I don't have to be hyper-professional - I get to bring more of my authentic self to the table, which is exactly what I want my coaching clients to be able to do as well, in all of the ways one can become most authentically themselves - intellectually, relationally, emotionally, sexually, etc. Coaching also allows me to see people from all over the world - not just my state, (Michigan), which is really exciting and freeing!

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I'm so looking forward to hearing your story.