The Details: Everything you need to know:

The Details: Everything you need to know:

There are several ways we can structure the "coaching container," in order provide you with exactly what you're needing.

I like to be up front about time and cost, so that you can make an informed choice about what will truly work for you. Here's the nitty gritty:

I offer a 6 week coaching container for $979, which includes six weekly one-on-one virtual sessions, AND includes all of my resources that will be yours to keep, as well as contact with me via email or WhatsApp between sessions. This ongoing support can be an important part of the healing journey.

I also offer a 12 week coaching container for $1,879, which includes twelve weekly one-on-one virtual sessions, as well as the resources and ongoing contact. The length of the container just depends on what your real needs are, which we can collaborate to figure out together in a free introduction call.

I take payment via PayPal, which has Pay Later options, where you can set up a payment plan over time.

**I have also began to offer a unique "Buddy System," container, where if you have a friend you are willing/wanting to be in sessions with, or if you're open to being paired with someone who has similar struggles/needs, you can essentially split the cost with them, and get two transformations for the price of one, potentially find support and comradery, as well as get to hear how I work with someone else's unique story, which may yield more insight for you too.

I also run various theme-based groups throughout the year, which are significantly reduced in per session cost, and allow for more accessibility and community building. Please inquire or see my Instagram page @thedeconstructing.sextherapist for more about these groups.

Contact Me

I'm so looking forward to hearing your story.